Wednesday 3 October 2012

Post 5: Summary from an article

‘No’ selected to represent Chile at Oscars
Written by Emily Green

This article is about the selection of the movie “No” as a representant of Chile cinema, in the pre-selection of the Oscar prizes.
The author gather togheter the opinions of the relevant persons on the national scene. One of who gave his opinion was Luciano Cruz-coke that think that the present time is a good moment for the national cinema, and it try to gain not only fame, but the people recognition of the higher level of the national productions. The national quality of cinema is being value by the country specialists and internationally. Also, he talk about a reversing in the way to get an aproach to the 80’s, the repression and posterior politics (doubtless, “concertación” goverments).
The selection of this movie was made by 30 audiovisual specialist, a remark of the movie quality before the connoiseurs, and its success began earlier too, with recognition in some movie festivals.
Also, the author have shown oposite opinions about this selection, as the opinion far-right Dep. Iván Moreira, that ironize about its contents as a left tell story, and it means a completely objectiveless, in according to his way of thinking. This opinion has been taken of Moreira’s twitter, so he do it for his opinion has been read by all, in his common confrontational political way of acting.
Finally, the movie has been aquired by the monster Sony Pictures, fot its international diffusion.


  1. I like the topic that you choose, and also like the movie! Well done (:

  2. I don't see the movie, really I prefer other kinds of cinema in our country
