Friday 26 October 2012

Post 8: Friends

Well, I think friends are persons, and closely persons to me. I mean, always that I think about what is a “friend”, I think in a brother/sister.  Anyway, I’m not feeling that I am a person with a lot of friends, and neither a few. For this, always I get confused when I think on friends. Maybe all the world persons are my friends, or maybe anyone, I don’t know. The thing is, with some persons I feel more confidence, more trustfulness.
And the things I really value in these persons are the same thing, because, if I can trust them, the relationship is and will be comfortable, cheerful and strong.
I don’t have any problem to get a conversation with an X person. I like to speak, a lot. I speak easily when another person talks to me, or if someone asks me for something. But, I can hardly consider them “friends”.
I have some experiences with Internet, I mean, I did some “friends” through Internet, but they are the less. Apparently is only one, which I can remember at least. And this relation was something freak, because I don’t meet her (yes, a girl) often. And when we meet, it was very special moments, I still remember it. Now, she is a very good friend. With her I don’t have any problem to say that she is a friend.
About closely friends, I think I don’t have. Really, is just hard to me make distinctions between friends and no friends. I like the people who is interesting and nice (for my, obviously), and for they I do special things when I feel that I must do it. Those special things would be to write a letter (not e-mail, it’s poor to my fine taste), to give a gift, or give a bear hug!

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Post 7: How green are you?

I like the plants, the trees and all the nature. I love them, I think. My best memories are when I was involved in nature, looking at landscape, forest and the ground, the earth itself. I love try to climb the trees too. So, for this, since I was a child, I try to take care of not pollute the environment. Also, i often try to plant different kind of trees, over all, frutal trees; they are my favourites, because I think they will give my his fruits in the future.
I really like the wood, because my father always be a carpenter, and he works with the most different kinds of wood. For that, i can’t be a tree-hugger.
In Santiago, i think,  the people is not used to take care of his environment, because we didn’t have any education about it. The life in a cosmopolitan city is a challenge for the ecologist in this sense, they confront a hard work, for the people’s irresponsibility.
In my house, we (my family) often try to recycling rubbish, either organic and paper thrash. We have a “humus” box in the garden, that is a kind of worms that eat the organic garbage, converting it in fertile earth. With the paper, we put it together in the rubbish dump, it would be taked by a recycling men.
I would like to do something more for the environment care, but it is also hard to do, because in Chile have not a green culture, even a will to do it. but, I think that now is a good moment to try to give to people an education about this matters.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Post 6: Literature & Books

When I was child, I didn’t like the books because read it never was a choice, always an obligation. For that, I haven´t liked read books until I finish the high school. Then, when I start to work in a job, I start to read a bit, and I discover a great and imaginary world in the books. And I remember the kind of lectures that firstable I start to read was essays and novels. Since this moment,  I can’t  stop reading, and for this, really I don’t  know how many books I have already read, I lose count.
Now, I always read books, when i’m bored, when i’m lazy, when i have anything to do, when I have to do it.  I really enjoy it.  Also, now I can read fast, and I take short time to read a book.
One of my favourites Authors is Peter Sloterdijk. He is philosopher and write essays about contemporary philosophical problems. And my favourite book is “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” by Nietzsche. It was difficult to read, but I read it in a month, because I like the poetic, narrative and deep style of this book. Then, I often re-read the same book, in different parts, because I feel his lecture can say me something interesting for my way of act in the lifetime. I recommend this book to all my friends; I thing that would be an interesting read to share between classmates.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Post 5: Summary from an article

‘No’ selected to represent Chile at Oscars
Written by Emily Green

This article is about the selection of the movie “No” as a representant of Chile cinema, in the pre-selection of the Oscar prizes.
The author gather togheter the opinions of the relevant persons on the national scene. One of who gave his opinion was Luciano Cruz-coke that think that the present time is a good moment for the national cinema, and it try to gain not only fame, but the people recognition of the higher level of the national productions. The national quality of cinema is being value by the country specialists and internationally. Also, he talk about a reversing in the way to get an aproach to the 80’s, the repression and posterior politics (doubtless, “concertación” goverments).
The selection of this movie was made by 30 audiovisual specialist, a remark of the movie quality before the connoiseurs, and its success began earlier too, with recognition in some movie festivals.
Also, the author have shown oposite opinions about this selection, as the opinion far-right Dep. Iván Moreira, that ironize about its contents as a left tell story, and it means a completely objectiveless, in according to his way of thinking. This opinion has been taken of Moreira’s twitter, so he do it for his opinion has been read by all, in his common confrontational political way of acting.
Finally, the movie has been aquired by the monster Sony Pictures, fot its international diffusion.